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Trusting God

Thursday 6/19/2014


Café Ventana, St. Louis MO


When the Lord tells you to do something … what should you do????

DO IT … IT being whatever He has told you to do!

I am so excited because God told me 2 years ago to begin Blogging everyday to share my experiences. Well, did I do it? Obvious answer, NO! Should I have done it? Obvious answer, YES!

I am sooo thankful that the Lord God I serve has such amazing Grace for my life.

Recently He has truly showed up and showed out in my life! Years ago He showed me His vision for my life and man I thought… Lord Jesus, that is too grand… I can not, I am not capable, Lord…what if I don’t. Jesus how can I????

So I began to have all these questions running through my head, all of these items of areas in which I cannot foresee myself getting there. How will I? How can I?

Time after time the Lord gives us direction in which we will question Him. He will tell us exactly how to, when to and what will happen IF we trust Him and walk in Faith and believe that He can do and will do all that He promised.

On Thursday, June 5, 2014, I put in my 2 week notice to my boss AT my DREAM job. Why did I do this? Because I have finally allowed myself to be at Gods every beckoned call and walk in complete obedience to Him. It has taken me 28 years to understand His Love and His Grace. However, now more than ever I have to lean on Him and have Faith that all of the promises He showed me two years ago will come to pass. During the past two years He has shown me how He is faithful over the “small” promises and He expects me to trust Him with the small so that He can bless me with the “OVER Sized”.

My Current Situation is now walking in complete Faith that He will make a way. I know the Lord will make a way for me to be a phenomenal wife, mother, homemaker and mentor. He placed me at my DREAM job so that I could learn the FOUNDATION in which I am to stand. When I started working at my DREAM He said to me, “You will be here for 7…” , me being me and being impatient I believe I cut Him off thinking. Lord, 7 years is quite a long time for the promises you have made me …. but God I will trust you and walk in obedience…in those 7 years I can surely learn a lot. Special situations had been occurring for the past couple of weeks leading to that life changing moment for me when I placed my 2 week notice which prompted me to call out to God on clarity of my current situation, at that moment He told me it is time for me to go back full time to the seed HE planted in me 7 years ago better known to thousands as Jewels, Inc. He told me to focus on my health, my family and my youth.

Side Note:

What is awesome about this piece of information is that 2 years ago I was really upset that I was not going to be able to make it to Jewels, Inc., 5th Annual Charm Bracelet Gala and in a pretty bad place (within my own mind). But God gifted me an all expense paid trip to Miami in which we spent soooo much time together and He gave me clarity on a lot. He told me not to be sad about not making the 5th Anniversary celebration and to know that every 7 years Jewels, Inc., will experience a rebirth. God has replanted me back into Jewels, Inc., on a full time basis during our 7th year. He knows His plan for my Life! And I am blessed to breathe in this journey each and every day.

I placed my 2 week notice with my last date of my employment being the 7th month anniversary of me being employed by my DREAM. I was able to send in my notice with peace because this was a decision that God made for me and I did not have to make this decision. I am so blessed that I do NOT have to figure everything out. I just realized that if I ask God the question, then He will provide thee answer. And if I obey thee answer then I will be at peace with all of the areas in which I have a question.

God is an awesome God. He will use every situation for His Glory and I am so thankful that He placed me in my DREAM and that He took me from MY DREAM to fulfill HIS DREAM for MY Life.

If there are some things that you are struggling with. I encourage you to seek and FIND God. Ask Him exactly what it is that He wants you to do. Ask the Lord to give you everything that you need to do His will for your life. He will bring you clarity. He will ask you to do things that do not make sense to you. He will ask you to leave YOUR DREAM so that He can bless you with His PURPOSE for your life. His purpose far outweighs my dream.

God is an amazing God. He already knows everything that you are currently going through. He is not surprised by what is going to happen next. He is not surprised when you are struggling and He is not surprised of when you are living the High Life. He knows what is to come because He is the creator and He loves us beyond anything that we could ever DREAM.

Give it to Him and You will Receive!!! Walk by Faith and NOT by Site. Your current situation does not determine your destiny. Know that you can because He has given you everything you need to do your will!

Love you all and my prayer is that my current situation is helping someone through theirs!



Jewels, Inc., Founder

The Youth Cheerleader ™

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